As erotica writers ourselves, we’re devoted to helping writers perfect their craft and that’s why we have a comprehensive Writer’s Resources section, chock full of articles and essays on Literotica writing technique.
Our Volunteer Editors Program connects you with beta readers and editors who volunteer their time and experience to help keep the Literotica community running smoothly.
A lot of our resources are written by our fellow readers and authors. If you’d like to add your own insights, just add your essay under ‘Reviews & Essays’. We (and others) hope to read it.
And when you come to publishing, we’ve got a simple How To Publish A Story on Literotica guide to take you through the process.
The feedback you’ll get from your Literotica readers will probably be the most valuable of all of them.
Ever. After you publish, they’ll likely share their opinions and suggestions, that you can use to refine your already existing work and solidify your next stories.